On The Last Eight Months

I’ve been quiet in crypto for most of this year. Without getting into any long, boring, invasive details, I had a lot to work through in my personal life. I’ve dealt with illnesses off and on for years and in March, I spent some time hospitalized for exhaustion. I also had a birthday recently and feel that entering my next decade is a good enough time as any to take inventory....

December 13, 2023 · 5 min · 986 words · envy

Deploying a Discord Governance Bot

Introduction Creating the Discord Bot and Webhook Installing Python 3, Cloning the Repository Editing GovBot.py and Configuration Running the Bot Setting Up a Cron Job Review Additional resources Introduction Purpose The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate setting up an instance of Reecepbcups’ Cosmos Governance Proposal Bot to generate Discord messages for governance proposals. This guide assumes the reader is familiar with Discord, the Cosmos ecosystem, and has an intermediate understanding of technology....

March 7, 2023 · 5 min · 911 words · envy

On Harmful Crypto Phrases

In the year or so I’ve been active in this space, I’ve caught onto some phrases or terms that I feel are harmful to the collective perception of cryptocurrency. I think many use them without thinking, but words have meaning and we need to be accurate or else no one knows what anybody else is talking about. Here are a few. “cash out” You don’t “cash out” of a currency, you exchange it....

February 1, 2023 · 3 min · 578 words · envy

Streaming Live Video on Akash Network

Introduction Installing Cloudmos Deploy SDL Overview Deploying to a provider Initializing Owncast Streaming Review Additional resources Introduction Purpose The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how an individual can broadcast live video using a self-hosted application deployed on Akash Network. This guide assumes the reader is familiar with the Cosmos ecosystem and has an understanding of the use of wallets as well as a general familiarity with technology: system resources and basic networking....

January 4, 2023 · 7 min · 1374 words · envy

On Audience vs. Community

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts tend to use the word “community” and I smirk every time I see it. They most likely mean “audience.” An audience has a shared interest or a common goal, but members of an audience only help each other in extreme conditions or when it’s convenient. They usually congregate for an event and disperse at its conclusion. Conversely, a community is a group of people assembling for something more than the event....

October 6, 2022 · 4 min · 692 words · envy